Question Bar (2019 - )
Conscious conversation is the cornerstone of deep community. If we can create spaces where people feel safe to be vulnerable, and then go the step further to ask the difficult questions and 'do the work'--we can support one another in making leaps forward in our healing and personal growth.
Joseph Campbell, in the Power of Myth, writes about how all human stories ultimately have the same threads and themes running through them. Our individual stories (and personal myths) can have powerful holds over our lives--stories of joy and sorrow, triumph and shame, love, and anger. They influence how we show up and the impact we can make. When we share those stories, and see ourselves reflected back in other peoples stories, we are able to connect more deeply to our humanity, heal our trauma, and deepen our own empathy with others.
The Conversation Bar reflects this desire to share our personal stories more freely, and to be met by love in the sharing. Even just having a place to post anonymously our story can be incredibly healing. Whether through conversation or writing, The Conversation Bar is trying to connect people through story telling.
Project: Interactive Installation
Materials: Plywood
Status: Built-Available for Use, Seattle local.
Role: Design/Build
2022 July
Critical Northwest
Granite Falls, Washington
2019 September
The Very Long Table Fest with Equinox Studios
Georgetown, Seattle, Washington
2019 August
Lusio Festival with Lusio Lights
Volunteer Park, Seattle, Washington
2019 July
Critical Northwest with Ignition Northwest
Granite Falls, Washington